Is Your Mind Attuned to the Wealth Frequency ? A Guide to Financial Abundance

Before you start reading this article, know that practicing the methods discussed in this article will be tough to begin with. You are advised to not just read but take out your diary and write them. The journey toward financial prosperity is not solely determined by hard work and opportunities; it is also deeply rooted… Continue reading Is Your Mind Attuned to the Wealth Frequency ? A Guide to Financial Abundance

12 Signs of High Vibration People

Living with high-vibration energy is about embracing positivity, growth, and a purposeful life. Their mindset and behaviors inspire others to live more meaningful, authentic lives. Do you ever meet someone who seems to radiate positive energy? They stand out from the crowd in an uplifting way you can’t quite articulate. You simply feel better after… Continue reading 12 Signs of High Vibration People

The Ultimate Power of Aura Scan & Transforming Lives with Life Coaching

In the vast spectrum of human experience, two contrasting scenarios often emerge one of abundance, growth, and fulfilment, and the other of scarcity, stagnation, and dissatisfaction. While some individuals seem to effortlessly “Unlock Surprising Avenues of Wealth” and “Live a Life of Luxury and Comfort,” others find themselves trapped, struggling to “Endure a Life of… Continue reading The Ultimate Power of Aura Scan & Transforming Lives with Life Coaching

Overcome Social Anxiety Now !

Social anxiety, a common mental health condition, can significantly impact a person’s well-being and everyday life. It is characterised by intense fear or discomfort in social situations, leading individuals to avoid or feel highly distressed in social interactions. Today, we will delve into social anxiety, how to recognise its signs and provide practical tips to… Continue reading Overcome Social Anxiety Now !

Situationships Unveiled

Understanding the Situationship Spectrum: Yes, you heard it right – SITUATIONSHIP. The term emerged in recent years as a way to describe a relationship paradigm that exists in the ‘grey’ area between friendship and a committed partnership. Both the boundaries and expectations are undefined & refer to a ‘TAG’ where two people are involved in… Continue reading Situationships Unveiled

Detox your Lungs, Naturally!

The breath you just took – did you express gratitude for it? Isn’t it funny how we take our breath for granted? It is effortless and hence we don’t focus on its importance till our breathing is impaired. We can go weeks without food, days without water but not very long without air. With the… Continue reading Detox your Lungs, Naturally!

Cut the Chase and Attract all that you Desire with Ease

We are often driven by our wishes, desires, fantasies and expectations. Sometimes we are able to achieve them while most of the times we continue to struggle to manifest all that we desire. When we choose to acquire something, we unknowingly get into the trap of chasing the person or object of our desire. It… Continue reading Cut the Chase and Attract all that you Desire with Ease

Overthinking taking a toll on your life? Time to get Rid of it

Thinking is the cornerstone of prudence, pragmatism and progress. After all, all those common and significant events in our personal life are set in motion by a thought originating in a healthy, thinking brain. While thinking is important to our existence, over thinking can put it into peril. Overthinking, as the name indicates, is a… Continue reading Overthinking taking a toll on your life? Time to get Rid of it

What we Imprint on our Mind lasts a long-time

We all are impressionable and we all leave our impressions behind. Everything we do, say or even think leaves an imprint on our subconscious mind. While this may seem like a ‘no big deal’, it truly shapes our lives. Every thing that happens to us or around us was once a thought that was impressed… Continue reading What we Imprint on our Mind lasts a long-time