How Colour Therapy can do wonders for you !

Human behavior is not immune to colors. The impact can be subtle or profound, temporary or lasting, instant or gradual, or positive or negative, depending on your interaction with the color. Take for instance a 2014 study, which states that eating off red plates has a restrictive effect on the total intake of food, helping… Continue reading How Colour Therapy can do wonders for you !

Detox your Lungs, Naturally!

The breath you just took – did you express gratitude for it? Isn’t it funny how we take our breath for granted? It is effortless and hence we don’t focus on its importance till our breathing is impaired. We can go weeks without food, days without water but not very long without air. With the… Continue reading Detox your Lungs, Naturally!

Cut the Chase and Attract all that you Desire with Ease

We are often driven by our wishes, desires, fantasies and expectations. Sometimes we are able to achieve them while most of the times we continue to struggle to manifest all that we desire. When we choose to acquire something, we unknowingly get into the trap of chasing the person or object of our desire. It… Continue reading Cut the Chase and Attract all that you Desire with Ease

Overthinking taking a toll on your life? Time to get Rid of it

Thinking is the cornerstone of prudence, pragmatism and progress. After all, all those common and significant events in our personal life are set in motion by a thought originating in a healthy, thinking brain. While thinking is important to our existence, over thinking can put it into peril. Overthinking, as the name indicates, is a… Continue reading Overthinking taking a toll on your life? Time to get Rid of it

Living with Depression? It’s time to overcome

Although life is kind to us for the most part, it has its share of vulnerabilities. No matter who we are, what we do, or where we belong to, the exposure to unpleasant situations is always there. A relationship went sour, a contract didn’t go through, pregnancy couldn’t last or professional objectives weren’t met –… Continue reading Living with Depression? It’s time to overcome

What we Imprint on our Mind lasts a long-time

We all are impressionable and we all leave our impressions behind. Everything we do, say or even think leaves an imprint on our subconscious mind. While this may seem like a ‘no big deal’, it truly shapes our lives. Every thing that happens to us or around us was once a thought that was impressed… Continue reading What we Imprint on our Mind lasts a long-time