The Ultimate Power of Aura Scan & Transforming Lives with Life Coaching

In the vast spectrum of human experience, two contrasting scenarios often emerge one of abundance, growth, and fulfilment, and the other of scarcity, stagnation, and dissatisfaction. While some individuals seem to effortlessly “Unlock Surprising Avenues of Wealth” and “Live a Life of Luxury and Comfort,” others find themselves trapped, struggling to “Endure a Life of… Continue reading The Ultimate Power of Aura Scan & Transforming Lives with Life Coaching

How Energy Healing Remedies Diseases

Picture this! Someone is suffering from a terminal illness and doctors have given up on him. In a last-ditch effort, he goes for energy healing and, to everyone’s surprise, recovers. The exact scenario plays out for a number of patients that see no hope in conventional medicine. Energy healing explained: What did the energy healer… Continue reading How Energy Healing Remedies Diseases

Detox your Lungs, Naturally!

The breath you just took – did you express gratitude for it? Isn’t it funny how we take our breath for granted? It is effortless and hence we don’t focus on its importance till our breathing is impaired. We can go weeks without food, days without water but not very long without air. With the… Continue reading Detox your Lungs, Naturally!

Overthinking taking a toll on your life? Time to get Rid of it

Thinking is the cornerstone of prudence, pragmatism and progress. After all, all those common and significant events in our personal life are set in motion by a thought originating in a healthy, thinking brain. While thinking is important to our existence, over thinking can put it into peril. Overthinking, as the name indicates, is a… Continue reading Overthinking taking a toll on your life? Time to get Rid of it