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Are you also hit by the D-word?

So are you thinking what is this D-word? No, it’s not profanity! Take a guess? Hint: It’s the most commonly used word these days when talking about someone’s not-so-good mood. Yes! It’s the dreaded yet silently adored (going by the belief in many that a known devil is better than an unknown angel) D-word –… Continue reading Are you also hit by the D-word?



Mind is the set of faculties including cognitive aspects such as consciousness, imagination, perception, thinking, intelligence, judgment, language, and memory, as well as noncognitive aspects such as emotions and instincts. It is one of the most mysterious things as it is sublime and elusive with no shape or structure to it. Makes one wonder how… Continue reading 5 THINGS YOU PROBABLY DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT YOUR MIND


What’s the fuss over STRESS?

Stress is the ‘new normal, for years now. People have gotten addicted to stress unknowingly and for some, it is a matter of privilege that they ‘have stress’. Stress is a physiological response to keep us safe from an immediate threat. So what has changed? When did we start feeling threatened most of the time?… Continue reading What’s the fuss over STRESS?


CHAKRAS – your wheels of energy

So what’s the big deal about energy, you ask? Well, everything is energy and the more we can tune into vibrations that resonate with us at a deeper level, the more connected we feel to the universe and ourselves. The ‘vibes’ that you sense when you meet someone or visit a place are also the… Continue reading CHAKRAS – your wheels of energy
