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The 5 W’s & the H of Online Well-Being Session

What is an online well-being session? An online healing-coaching session/ well-being session is no different from a face-to-face session. It includes all the things that are a part of a well-being session. Each session takes around 2 hours in totality. The session starts with a meaningful conversation (to understand the aspects to be worked upon… Continue reading The 5 W’s & the H of Online Well-Being Session


SELF-LOVE – a fad or necessity?

Before I tell you what self-love is, let me tell you what self-love isn’t. Self-Love isn’t selfish, sinful, or an excuse. It begins with accepting and appreciating self. It requires attention & practice. Sometimes people confuse love with obsession and that’s not what is being promoted here. Self-love is not about negating moral grounding but… Continue reading SELF-LOVE – a fad or necessity?


Loving Thyself

February is a unique month for many reasons. It is the month when spring starts to unfold gently when the skies turn cornflower blue and celebrated as a time of love through Valentine’s Day. For many, the gentle turning of the grey winters into a myriad of blues & greens brings joy & togetherness. In… Continue reading Loving Thyself


How Energy Healing Remedies Diseases

Picture this! Someone is suffering from a terminal illness and doctors have given up on him. In a last-ditch effort, he goes for energy healing and, to everyone’s surprise, recovers. The exact scenario plays out for a number of patients that see no hope in conventional medicine. Energy healing explained: What did the energy healer… Continue reading How Energy Healing Remedies Diseases


Angel Card Reading

When in trouble, you seek divine intervention. As your personal experiences will tell you, the divinity actually intervenes in most instances, comforting you, guiding you, and carrying you to safety. However, you are not the only beneficiary of the divine benevolence but every other individual has a similar story to tell, differing only in narratives… Continue reading Angel Card Reading



The common deterrents to success are stress, anxiety, worry, and overthinking. While one can’t completely do away with them, what we can do instead is, deal effectively with the triggers to ensure we create a life full of bliss. Stress is highly personalized and may vary even in identical situations for varied reasons. A recent… Continue reading UNBURDEN YOUR MIND


Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have

On the occasion of International Women’s Day I would like to share my thoughts on “Balance” in the lives of women. Women are continuously balancing roles at home and at work with finesse. Sometimes it gets tiring to keep wearing different hats but they stop at nothing.   With balance comes moments of imbalance –… Continue reading Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have
