
6 Signs You Have Low Aura & 10 Tips To Improve

Have you ever considered the idea that your very own aura, the subtle energy field encompassing your being, could hold the key to your overall well-being? What if I told you that recognizing the signs of a weakened aura and empowering yourself to strengthen it could be the catalyst for transforming your physical, emotional, and spiritual health?

In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of auras, examining the subtle indicators of an ailing energy field and equipping you with practical strategies to revitalize and fortify this essential aspect of your existence.

Understanding Auras

What is an aura?

An aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds every living being. It’s often described as a luminous body that extends beyond the physical form. In many spiritual and holistic healing practices, the aura is considered a reflection of an individual’s overall state of being.

The importance of a healthy aura

A strong, vibrant aura is believed to protect you from negative energies and promote overall wellness. It acts as a buffer between you and the external world, influencing your interactions and experiences.

6 Signs of a Low Aura

    1. Persistent fatigue

    If you’re constantly feeling drained, even after adequate rest, it might be a sign of a weakened aura. This type of fatigue goes beyond physical tiredness and affects your overall energy levels.

    2. Frequent mood swings

    A low aura can manifest as emotional instability. You may find yourself easily irritated or experiencing sudden shifts in mood without apparent reason.

    3. Difficulty in concentration

    When your aura is weak, you might struggle to focus on tasks or maintain mental clarity. This can affect your productivity and decision-making abilities.

    4. Feeling overly sensitive to external energies

    You may become more susceptible to other people’s emotions or feel overwhelmed in crowded places. This hypersensitivity can be draining and disruptive to your daily life.

    5. Physical discomfort without apparent cause

    Unexplained aches, pains, or a general feeling of being unwell could indicate a compromised aura. These sensations may not have a clear medical explanation.

    6. Lack of motivation or enthusiasm

    Located between the eyebrows, the third eye chakra is associated with intuition, wisdom, and imagination. It is believed to be the center of our perception and connection to our inner guidance.

The Science Behind Auras

While the concept of auras is rooted in spiritual and metaphysical traditions, modern science is beginning to explore the electromagnetic fields surrounding living organisms.

Dr. Valerie Hunt, a former professor at UCLA, conducted extensive research on the human energy field. In her book “Infinite Mind: Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness,” she presents findings from her studies using sophisticated equipment to measure the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the human body.

Hunt’s research suggests that changes in the body’s energy field precede physical or emotional disturbances, lending some scientific credibility to the ancient concept of auras.

10 Tips to Improve Your Aura

Now that we’ve identified the signs of a low aura, let’s explore practical strategies to strengthen and revitalize your energy field.

    1. Practice meditation and mindfulness

    Regular meditation can help cleanse and strengthen your aura. Focus on visualizing a bright, protective light surrounding your body.

    Meditation technique for aura strengthening:

    • Find a quiet, comfortable space
    • Sit in a relaxed position with your spine straight
    • Close your eyes and take deep, slow breaths
    • Visualize a bright, white light emanating from your heart
    • Imagine this light expanding to envelop your entire body
    • Hold this visualization for 5-10 minutes
    • Slowly open your eyes and ground yourself

    2. Engage in energy cleansing practices

    Techniques like smudging with sage or using sound therapy can help clear negative energies from your aura.

    DIY energy cleansing ritual:

    • Light a bundle of dried sage or palo santo
    • Starting at your feet, move the smoke up and around your body
    • Set an intention to release any negative energy
    • Open windows to allow the cleansed energy to dissipate

    3. Spend time in nature

    Natural environments can have a restorative effect on your aura. Try forest bathing or simply walking barefoot on the grass to reconnect with the earth’s energy.

    Nature connection exercise:

    • Find a natural setting (park, beach, forest)
    • Remove your shoes and socks
    • Walk slowly, focusing on the sensation of your feet touching the ground
    • Take deep breaths, inhaling the natural scents around you
    • Spend at least 20 minutes in this mindful state

    4. Practice yoga and breathwork

    Certain yoga poses and breathing exercises are believed to cleanse and balance the chakras, which in turn strengthens the aura.

    Recommended yoga poses for aura strengthening:

    • Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
    • Tree Pose (Vrksasana)
    • Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
    • Child’s Pose (Balasana)

    5. Use color therapy

    Colors have different vibrations that can influence your energy field. Wear or surround yourself with colors that resonate with the energy you want to cultivate.

    Color associations for aura enhancement:

    • Red: Grounding and vitality
    • Blue: Calmness and communication
    • Green: Healing and balance
    • Purple: Spiritual connection and intuition

    6. Maintain a healthy lifestyle

    A balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep all contribute to a strong aura. Pay attention to your physical health to support your energetic well-being.

    Aura-boosting nutrition tips:

    • Incorporate plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables
    • Stay hydrated with pure water
    • Limit processed foods and artificial additives
    • Consider adding adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha or holy basil to your diet

    7. Practice energy protection techniques

    Learn to shield your aura from negative influences. Visualization exercises can help create a protective barrier around your energy field.

    Aura protection visualization:

    • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths
    • Imagine a bright, protective bubble forming around you
    • Visualize this bubble deflecting negative energies
    • Affirm: “I am protected and safe within my energy field”

    8. Use crystals and gemstones

    Many believe that certain crystals can help cleanse and strengthen the aura. Carry or wear stones like clear quartz, amethyst, or black tourmaline.

    Crystal grid for aura enhancement:

    • Place a clear quartz point at the center of a circle
    • Arrange amethyst, rose quartz, and black tourmaline around the circle
    • Set an intention for aura strengthening
    • Meditate near this grid for 10-15 minutes daily

    9. Practice gratitude and positive affirmations

    Cultivating a positive mindset can significantly impact your aura. Regular gratitude practices and affirmations can help raise your vibration.

    Daily gratitude exercise:

    • Each morning, list three things you’re grateful for
    • Throughout the day, pause to appreciate small moments of joy
    • Before bed, reflect on positive experiences from your day

    10. Seek energy healing treatments

    Consider professional treatments like Reiki, acupuncture, or sound healing to help balance and strengthen your energy field.

    Benefits of energy healing treatments:

    • Stress reduction
    • Improved emotional balance
    • Enhanced sense of well-being
    • Potential alleviation of physical discomfort

The Role of Aura in Holistic Health

Understanding and nurturing your aura is an essential aspect of holistic health. By acknowledging the interconnectedness of your physical, emotional, and energetic bodies, you can achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Dr. Richard Gerber, author of “Vibrational Medicine,” explains:

“The human energy field is a reflection of the state of health of the body, mind, and spirit. By working with the energy field, we can influence the health of the whole person.”

This perspective highlights the importance of addressing aura health as part of a comprehensive approach to well-being.

Aura and Relationships

Your aura doesn’t just affect your personal well-being; it also influences your interactions with others. A strong, balanced aura can help you:

  • Establish healthier boundaries
  • Attract positive relationships
  • Enhance empathy and understanding
  • Improve communication skills

By working on strengthening your aura, you may notice improvements in your personal and professional relationships.

Measuring Your Aura

While the most reliable way to assess your aura is through self-awareness and intuition, some tools claim to provide visual representations of your energy field.

Kirlian photography, developed by Semyon Kirlian in 1939, purports to capture the aura on film. While its scientific validity is debated, many find it a fascinating tool for aura exploration

Aura cameras use hand sensors and algorithms to produce colorful images to represent your aura. While not scientifically proven, some find these visual representations helpful for self-reflection.

Remember, these tools should be viewed as complementary to your personal intuition and experiences rather than definitive measures of your energetic health.

The Final Note

Recognizing the signs of a low aura and taking steps to strengthen your energy field can have profound effects on your overall well-being. By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you can cultivate a vibrant, protective aura that supports your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

Remember, improving your aura is a journey, not a destination. Be patient with yourself and celebrate small progress along the way. As you continue to nurture your energy field, you may find yourself experiencing greater clarity, vitality, and harmony in all aspects of your life.

We’d love to hear about your experiences with aura work. Have you tried any of these techniques? What changes have you noticed? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and let’s create a supportive community of energy-conscious individuals.

If you’re interested in learning more about aura healing and other holistic practices, explore our other articles on Gateway of Healing. Together, we can venture on a journey of energetic well-being and personal growth.


Q: How often should I practice aura cleansing techniques?
A: It’s beneficial to incorporate some form of aura cleansing into your daily routine. Even a few minutes of meditation or visualization can make a difference. For more intensive practices like smudging or crystal work, weekly sessions may be sufficient.

Q: Can other people’s energy affect my aura?
A: Yes, we are constantly exchanging energy with our environment and those around us. This is why it’s important to practice energy protection techniques and regularly cleanse your aura, especially after interacting with negative or draining individuals.

Q: How long does it take to strengthen a weak aura?
A: The time it takes to strengthen your aura can vary depending on individual circumstances and the consistency of your practice. Some people notice improvements within a few weeks, while for others, it may take several months of dedicated effort. Remember, aura care is an ongoing process rather than a one-time fix.

Q: Are there any risks associated with aura work?
A: When practiced responsibly, aura work is generally safe. However, it’s important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard. If you have any medical conditions or concerns, it’s always wise to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new energy practice.

Q: Can children benefit from aura strengthening techniques?
A: Yes, children can benefit from age-appropriate aura care practices. Simple techniques like visualization, spending time in nature, and expressing gratitude can be great ways to introduce kids to the concept of energy awareness.

Remember, the journey to a stronger aura is personal and unique. Trust your intuition, be consistent with your practices, and remain open to the positive changes that may unfold in your life

Reach Dr. Chandni’s support team at +918800006786  and book an appointment.

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Dr. Chandni Tugnait is MD in Alternate Medicines, Psychotherapist, Life Coach & Healer with over 14 Years of experience. She is internationally Certified Facilitator & Practitioner in Access Bars, Access Body Processes, EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique, Angel Healing along with Card Reading, Theta Healing, Energy Healing, Aura Cleansing, Chakra Healing, Abundance Magnetizing & Color Therapy among many others. Read Dr. Chandni’s Story
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We changed their lives and here they send us reasons to smile !
Priceless words of honour.

I have known Dr Chandni for only 6 months. Yet today I consider her part of my family and my being. When I met her, I was exhausted with life and with myself. Not only did her session uplift & transform my physical body but I was grounded like I havent been in 8 years. Highly knowledgeable, able to answer your deepest questions, full of light and exuberance, I havent seen any energy healing so significant and long lasting. Im privileged to receive wellness from her and I know that Im never alone. My association with her is for life and her specialness is above the heavens for me.

Ms. Rosy Singh
Corporate Trainer, Delhi

I was part of the session with Dr. Chandni Tugnait and so many friends asked me about my experience. The following analogy reflects some parts of the experience -The best of Buddhas disciple gave their quantifiable findings but when it came to Andanda, his closest one, he had tears in his eyes and responded in a single sentence – “I don’t know”.Buddha responded emotively, you have me in you. One has to experience it to believe in the healing process in totality.
Thanks a lot for your contribution Chandni

Mr. Gurpinder Singh Vohra
Founder Kriti Creation
New Delhi

Best person in town , all courses and learning content is awesome n really insightful

More power to her, she is changing the life of many people with her holistic healing techniques and helping in removing limiting beliefs of people and unleashing the power within them to get healthy and successful life.

Anketaa Sachdev

At times i wonder where does she keep it all. Such compassion – non judgmental, ever accessible, invaluable. It’s got to be a fountain within her that flows incessantly for the wary soul. No matter what your wound is, the magical waters of this fountain can cure all. And it was magic that got me to this fountain. For I had neither met her nor known her, at-least not in this lifetime! The first time i spoke to her, her compassion cut through my dense energy.

Qatar (UAE)

Chakra Balancing 5 days WhatsApp Workshop: It was well organised course, data was shared in time. Meditations were really helpful. All the details about chakra and different ways to clear and balance them were shared in a simple but effective way.

I am really grateful to be associated with Gateway of Healing.
Thank you 😊

Mrs. Jaswinder Kaur

It sure was nice meeting Dr. Chandni Tugnait.
The participants liked her talk.
It was nice and interactive – just what we wanted.

Ms. Mamta Saxena
IFC, World Bank

It was indeed a great honor for me to be trained by Ms. Chandni on my first visit to India. Not only did she teach us techniques on improving our proficiency in the English Language but also helped us to be able to communicate effectively with people from different cultures. The sessions with Ms. Chandni are always fun & informative. Even after hours of training with her, there is no sign of tiredness or lethargy. I extend my gratitude to you for teaching us how to be BETTER THAN THE BEST!!

Robbi Adhilni

Every teacher educates but only a few enlighten and Chandni ma’am is one of them. Besides having outstanding teaching methods, she is also very skilful and enthusiastic. And the best part is she never settles for what she and her students have accomplished. I owe a lot to her in terms of motivation, enlightenment and most importantly for making me a good human being. Her words of motivation “YOU ARE BETTER THAN THE BEST” always are a major source of ENCOURAGEMENT..

Nitasha Panda

Ms. Chandni is a fine young lady who simply touched my heart during my visit to India. Although she is my daughter’s age but the ease with which she handled our group of 40 odd people from different countries and different cultures, left me spellbound. English was never a problem for me but this young girl, who I proudly call my teacher, taught me some very interesting things. I wish you the best of luck in everything that you do. Smile as often as you can. May the Lord bless you!

Joseph, Diplomat
Sudan, Africa

Ms. Chandni Tugnait – You are simply WOW! Thank you for making me aware of the flaws in my language.

Abbas Ali

Ms. Chandni is someone who sets an example and acts as an inspiration for all her trainees. She full of knowledge and wants the best of us as students. A saying of her that I want to share with u all (that brought difference in my life) :

Saluna Koebeer
Suriname (South America)

I’m really thankful to Chandni Ji for bringing the awareness in me and helping me in empowering myself through the various workshops conducted by her. Not only am I more confident and happy now but also more capable of helping others by healing different issues in their lives. Thanks for always being there to guide me.

Soniyah Sharrmaa
New Delhi

I’m really glad I attended the Serenity Surrender Basic Workshop with Chandni Ma’am. I’ll be indebted to you all my life for showing me the path of self empowerment. I had put myself in the gentle and capable hands of my guide and mentor ‘Chandni Tugnait Sharma’ and found that my opinion of myself, and my beliefs in the cycles of karma changed forever. The sessions and workshops have helped me develop my full potential, unlock hidden talents, and create more compassion and love for myself and others. Love You Ma’am.

Gauri Dhiman
New Delhi

I shall be eternally grateful to my sister-in-law for helping me uncover the fantastic laws of Universe and exposing me to the world of great mysticity and grandeur. Nothing seems impossible for me now. I get all that I desire and much more. One workshop changed so much for me. I, now, truly believe that nothing is unachievable in this abundant Universe.

Saurabh Sharma
New Delhi

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